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    Conference Schedule

    Day 1: 06 February 2025 (Thursday)

    Time Main Session (Nethaji Auditorium) Parallel Session (AB1 Conference Room)
    8:00 AM - 9:00 AMRegistration
    9:00 AM - 10:30 AMInauguration
    10:30 AM - 11:20 AMPlenary Lecture 1 - Prof. Enrico Traversa (University of Rome “Tor Vergata”)
    11:20 AM - 11:40 AMTea Break
    11:40 AM - 12:20 PMKeynote 1 - Dr. Christian Serre (ESPCI, Paris)Keynote 3 - Dr. Jayanta Mukhopadhyay (CGCRI, Kolkata)
    12:20 PM - 1:00 PMKeynote 2 - Prof. Sujit K. Ghosh (IISER Pune)Keynote 4 - Prof. Sangaraju Shanmugam (DGIST, South Korea)
    1:00 PM - 2:00 PMLunch Break & Poster Session
    2:00 PM - 2:35 PMInvited 1 - Dr. Samrat Ghosh (CLRI, Chennai)Invited 3 - Dr. Debamalya Banerjee (IIT Kharagpur)
    2:35 PM - 3:10 PMInvited 2 - Prof. Muhammed Musthafa (IISER Pune)Invited 4 - Dr. Vishal Mahesh Dhavale (CECRI-Chennai)
    3:10 PM - 3:40 PMTea Break
    3:40 PM - 4:15 PMInvited 5 - Dr. V. Ganesh (CECRI, Karaikudi)Invited 7 - Dr. M. Ulaganathan (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore)
    4:15 PM - 4:50 PMInvited 6 - Dr. Janardan Kundu (IISER Tirupati)Invited 8 - Dr. Kingshuk Roy (TCG Crest, Kolkata)
    4:50 PM - 5:40 PMOral PresentationsOral Presentations
    7:00 PM - 9:30 PMConference Dinner

    Day 2: 07 February 2025 (Friday)

    Time Main Session (Nethaji Auditorium) Parallel Session (AB1 Conference Room)
    9:00 AM - 9:50 AMPlenary Lecture 2 - Prof. Guillaume Maurin (ICGM, Montpellier)
    9:50 AM - 10:30 AMTea Break
    10:30 AM - 11:10 AMKeynote 5 - Prof. S. Sampath (IISc Bangalore)Keynote 7 - Dr. Sounak Roy (BITS Hyderabad)
    11:10 AM - 11:50 AMKeynote 6 - Prof. P. S. Mukherjee (IISc Bangalore)Keynote 8 - Prof. Natarajan V (DRDO, Chennai)
    11:50 AM - 12:25 PMInvited 9 - Dr. Georges Mouchaham (ESPCI, Paris)Invited 10 - Dr. Santosh K. Singh (SNU, Noida)
    12:30 PM - 2:00 PMLunch Break & Poster Session
    2:00 PM - 2:35 PMInvited 11 - Prof. Ajith C. Herath (Rajarata University, Sri Lanka)Industry Lecture 1 - Dr. Sankararao M (Nanosol Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad)
    2:35 PM - 3:10 PMInvited 12 - Dr. Nilanjan Dey (BITS Hyderabad)Industry Lectures 2 & 3
    3:15 PM - 3:45 PMTea Break
    3:45 PM - 4:20 PMInvited 13 - Dr. Amit K. Mondal (INST Mohali)Invited 14 - Dr. Kiran Vankayala (BITS Goa)
    4:20 PM - 5:20 PMOral PresentationsOral Presentations

    Day 3: 08 February 2025 (Saturday)

    Time Main Session (Nethaji Auditorium) Parallel Session (AB1 Conference Room)
    9:00 AM - 9:40 AMKeynote 9 - Prof. Rahul Banerjee (IISER Kolkata)Invited 15 - Dr. E. Varadarajan (DRDO Chennai)
    9:40 AM - 10:20 AMKeynote 10 - Prof. R. Boomi Shankar (IISER Pune)Invited 16 - Dr. Debdyuti Mukherjee (ARCI, Chennai)
    10:15 AM - 10:45 AMTea Break
    10:45 AM - 11:20 AMInvited 17 - Dr. Bharati Debnath (TCG Crest, Kolkata)
    11:20 AM - 12:30 PMOral Presentations
    12:30 PM - 2:00 PMLunch
    2:00 PM - 3:00 PMValedictory Function & Prize Distribution
    3:00 PM - 3:30 PMHigh Tea
  • Oral Presentations
  • Presentation No Title Presenting Author
    Oral 1Development of Rechargeable Battery Using Non-Toxic Magnesium Manganese Oxide CathodeRakshana Sri K
    Oral 2Synthesis of Zinc Manganese Oxide as an Electrode for Supercapacitor and BatteryJeevagan N
    Oral 3Tailoring COFs: Transforming Nonconducting 2D Layered COF into a Conducting Quasi-3D Architecture via Interlayer Knitting with PolypyrroleChitvan Jain
    Oral 4Catalytic Wet Peroxide Oxidation of Ciprofloxacin in Batch and Continuous Reactor Using Carbon-Coated Al-Doped Magnetite as an Efficient Heterogeneous Fenton CatalystGokulakrishnan B
    Oral 5Influence of Double Oxidation on Graphene Oxide Synthesis via Modified Hummers' Method: An Implication on its d-spacingAmal T Babu
    Oral 6Study on The Binding Interaction of NIR Active Gold Nanorod and Sub-Micron Curcumin by BSA for Water-Suspended Hybrid Nanofluid Based NanomedicineU. Priyadharshini
    Oral 7Post-Synthetic Modification of Ce-BDC-NH₂ Using Titanium Metal Ion for CO₂ Capture and Catalysis into Cyclic CarbonatesYogesh Kumar
    Oral 8Electrical Conductivity of LaNiO₃ Thin Films on Si Substrates by Sol-Gel Spin Coating Method: An Alternate Electrode for ElectronicsJinta Merlin Johny
    Oral 9Impact of Particle Integrity on Piezocatalytic Dye Degradation by BCZT NanostructuresM. Arun Lakshmi
    Oral 10Thioamide-Transition Metal Coordinated Polymer as Efficient and Durable Cathode for Aluminium Air BatterySivanesan Venkatesan
    Oral 11The Effects of Heteroatoms Doping in N-doped Carbon Hollow Spheres for Supercapacitor ApplicationsSai Prem Shaji
    Oral 12A Vitamin C Fuel Cell Through Substrate-Ligand InteractionsMuskan Parmar
    Oral 13Efficient Removal of Cr(VI) from Aqueous Solutions Using Activated Carbon from Aegle Marmelos (Bael) Leaves: A Sustainable Approach for Heavy Metal DetoxificationAarti Mehra
    Oral 14Impact of Manganese Doping on Co₃O₄ for Improved Activation of Peroxymonosulfate in Amoxicillin DegradationGowri M
    Oral 15Pd/Brønsted Acid Catalysed Atom-Economical Synthesis of 3-Allylindole via Cyclization-Allylation of o-Alkynyl Anilines and AlkynesSubhamoy Mukhopadhyay
    Oral 16Hydroxyapatite-PVDF Composite for Effective Adsorption of Copper IonsGeorlin George
    Oral 17Detection of Smartphone Components Using CNN for Sustainable RecyclingNikhil C P
    Oral 18Nano-Springe Enriched Hierarchical Porous MOP/COF Hybrid Aerogel: Efficient Recovery of Gold from Electronic WasteDipanjan Majumder
    Oral 19Effect of Sonication Time on Piezocatalytical Properties of BiFeO₃ for Rhodamine B DegradationAmrutha Sukumaran
    Oral 20Synthesis, Characterization of Pristine and Cu, In Doped Zn-DDT Metal Complexes and Its Luminescence StudiesSwetha D.K.
    Oral 21Reduced Graphene Oxide Bimetallic Nanoalloys: rGO-Au/Pd and rGO-Ag/Pd for SERS-based Chemical Sensor ApplicationAwati Prema Mahadev
    Oral 22Activated Carbon Derived from Pea Peels Biomass for Environmental and Energy ApplicationsKanchan Parmar
  • Poster Presentations
  • Poster No Title Presenting Author
    PP 1Green Synthesis of Co₃O₄ and Its Energy Storage Applications Towards Zn-air and SupercapacitorLoura Nancy J
    PP 2Facile Hydrothermal Synthesis of VO₂(B) and Its Phase Transformation to VO₂(M): Investigating Metal-Insulator Transition BehaviorAishwarya Rajgonda Patil
    PP 3Dimensionally Stable Electrodes Cobalt-Sulphide on Cobalt Titanium Alloy Bifunctionally Active in Alkaline Water ElectrolyzerRaguvaran Ponnurasu
    PP 4Triazine-based β-ketoenamine Covalent Organic Framework for Sodium-ion BatteryAugastus Camellus R B
    PP 5Prussian Blue-based Potassium Cobalt Hexacyanoferrates for Efficient Aqueous Zinc-Ion BatteryKarthick Sivalingam Nallathambi
    PP 6Tetrahydroxy-1,4-Benzoquinone Based 2D-MOFs as High Capacity Anodes for LIBsAjay Ugale
    PP 7Exploring the Potential of the Oxygen-Deficient Effect in Niobium Oxide with Cadmium Oxide as a Composite for Energy Storage ApplicationLekshmi Sunil
    PP 8Studies on Electrocatalytic Generation of Hydrogen Using 2D-Layered Ceramic Materials at a Wide pH RangeApoorvaa C.S
    PP 9Phosphide-Based Trifunctional Electrocatalyst for Water Splitting and Selective Ethylene Glycol OxidationTanu Bagaria
    PP 10Photocatalytic Degradation of Antibiotics and Antimicrobial and Anticancer Activities of Two-Dimensional ZnO NanosheetsAbhik Bhuin
    PP 11Gadolinium-Doped Cobalt Sulfide as an Efficient Electrode Material for Applications in Energy Conversion and StorageImani Sospeter
    PP 12Efficient Iodine & Organic Iodide Capture Using Robust Polymer Organic Frameworks (POFs)Moulidharan R
    PP 13DES Assisted Synthesis and Electrochemical Characterization of Sodium Carbamophosphates as Efficient Cathode Materials for Aqueous Rechargeable Sodium-Ion BatteriesSannapaneni Janardan
    PP 14Triazine-Containing Pyridinium Organic Polymer Based on 4-Amino 1,8-Naphthalimide Troger’s Base for Selective Fluorescent Sensing of Organoarsenic Feed Additives in WaterKaruppaiya Balamurugan
    PP 15Development of Flexible Asymmetric Supercapacitor Using Activated Carbon and MoS₂Shalu Mariam George
    PP 16Enhancing Supercapacitor Performance with Sodium Alginate-Modified Gel Polymer ElectrolyteSriraksha Rao
    PP 17Se Substituted Spherical α-Bi₂O₃: A Promising Negative Electrode for High Power Asymmetric CapacitorChandrasekaran Nivetha
    PP 18Iron-Coordinated Thiocarbamide Polymer for Oxygen Electrode KineticsGowtham Kanagaraj
    PP 19Engineered NiCo-LDHs as a Bifunctional Electrocatalyst for High-Performance Alkaline ElectrolyzersPachaiyappan V
    PP 20Impact of Al Doping on Low-Cost Nebulizer Spray Pyrolyzed PbS Thin Films for Photovoltaic ApplicationsM. Rigana Begam
    PP 21Efficient Iodine Sequestration by Chemically Robust C-C Bonded Hyper-Crosslinked Porous Organic PolymersMayakannan G, Karthikkumar R
    PP 22Assessment of the Electrochemical Performance of CeSe₂/Ce₂(SeO₃)₃/MoSe₂ Composite Electrodes for Supercapacitor ApplicationAkshaya Sisubalan
    PP 23Tin Oxide Nanoparticles from E-Waste for Photocatalytic Mixed-Dye DegradationCelin Selvaraj
    PP 24Freestanding Flexible 3D NiFe-MOF-Decorated Carbon Cloth for Electrochemical Water SplittingIlaiyaraja Periyaiah
    PP 25Transforming Agricultural Residues: Amine Treated Banana Stem Fibers as an Effective Biosorbent for Remediation of Paraphenylene DyeRashmi N
    PP 26Polybenzimidazole Composite Membranes for High-Performance Alkaline Water ElectrolyzerShanthini Khaja
    PP 27Design Enhancement in Hydroxide Ion Conductivity of Viologen–Bakelite Organic Frameworks for a Flexible Rechargeable Zinc-Air BatteryYashraj Kumar Singh
    PP 28Close Shell Aliovalent Ions Codoped CaMnO₃ with Enhanced Mid-Range Temperature Thermoelectric PerformanceKota V Satya Girish